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趣赢平台提供数据收集功能,以支持一些最大和最复杂的研究. 我们拥有一个现有的专业人员网络,在招聘人员方面具有专业知识, 家庭, 教育机构, businesses and many other types of organizations for study participation. 我们训练有素的全国数据收集人员由一组操作专家提供支持, IT, 培训, 跟踪, 服务台支持, 翻译, 可访问性, 创意服务. 这些和其他数据收集功能可以用于任何规模的项目或数据收集模式.
趣赢平台’s ecosystem of integrated tools provides a cost-effective, 轻松部署, and standardized 管理ment system framework to support field data collection. 它是可扩展的,可以支持从几个采访者到数千人的研究项目, and easily configurable to meet specific project needs.
- 通过适当的控制来分配和转移案例,实施特定项目的外勤人员模型, and respond to nonresponse and language issues
- Report progress in real time, including geo位置
- Manage data collection via multiple sources, including mobile, web, and in person
- Support team member coordination to gain participant cooperation
- 管理在学校和护理机构进行的大规模评估
We are experts at recruiting study participants who meet specific requirements, whether the study protocol calls for 家庭, 学校等机构, 医院, 或者其他机构, or special populations such as racially/ethnically diverse groups, 语言上孤立的群体, 儿童和青少年, 老年人, 收入群体, 稀有种群. Using a wide range of modes and outreach methods, 我们利用我们在基于概率的研究方面的广泛经验来最大化合作, 我们现有的关系网络可以最大限度地为目标客户提供服务, 目的性或便利性研究. 我们确保每一项研究的招聘过程都符合最高的道德标准和透明度.
不管是哪种模式, 或者模式的组合, 趣赢平台 has the data collection capabilities to execute any survey or study design.
多模 surveys can improve population coverage, 提高回应率, 降低成本, 节省时间, 并产生更高质量的数据. 我们专有的多模式管理系统(M3)允许在控制协议的同时无缝集成模式, including sample flow and experimental al位置. M3还包含所有的调查数据和参数,允许跨模式和条件的数据协调和报告.
基于网络的 surveys provide faster response and completion times, and allow for advanced 复杂性 and flexibility in survey design. 基于网络的调查引导受访者通过复杂的跳过模式,并对回答的逻辑和范围进行检查. 趣赢平台 survey designers and programming staff employ a robust development, 用户界面, and testing protocol to ensure there are no navigation issues for respondents, and that the instrument is optimized for all devices and platforms. We also ensure that our web surveys meet stringent 可访问性 guidelines.
面对面的数据收集提供了最高的回复率,并有机会收集更多种类的数据, 比如生物标本, 环境样品, 以及观测数据. 趣赢平台的独特能力包括在全国各地的关键地点拥有经验丰富的现场主管人员, 以及成千上万的数据收集者,他们在收集敏感话题的数据和从广泛的被调查者群体中收集数据方面具有专业知识.
趣赢平台 is a pioneer in the use of CAVI, which offers a cost-effective and convenient way to conduct interviews. CAVI允许采访者读取受访者的面部表情和其他身体线索, 衡量理解和分心, 建立融洽关系. 了解更多关于我们如何使用CAVI.
趣赢平台 provides centralized calling facilities, using a nationwide workforce of telephone interviewers, 在中心和家中工作,提供几乎无限的数据收集能力. Our advanced platforms and tools optimize calling efficiencies, 支持电话管理, 自动拨号, 调度, 交互式语音应答(IVR), 以及呼入电话.
趣赢平台的综合打印/邮件/收据操作可以执行基于地址的采样(ABS)数据收集, 推送到网页的信件邮寄, 提前通知邮件. We utilize professional forms-based design software to create professional, scannable paper surveys to ensure ease of response and high quality data. We employ best practices for managing paper survey administration, 包括收货控制, 扫描, 验证, 数据清理, 文件的准备, and quality control in all 处理 and mail operations. And we have industry-leading capabilities in incentives 管理ment, 形式发票, 扫描, 智能数据捕获, 采集后数据处理, 数据传送准备. Our centralized solutions save costs, shorten schedules, and ensure quality.
Environmental and Biological Sampling
趣赢平台’s protocols for handling environmental and biological specimens are tested, 可靠的, 和安全的. We strive for 100% accuracy in all aspects of handling specimens, 包括温度监测, and cross-checking of prior consents and kit expirations. 我们的生物和环境样品跟踪系统(BEST)管理和跟踪生物和环境样品收集的物流, 收据, 装运, 处理, and movement among laboratories and researchers throughout a sample’s lifecycle, and integration with inventory and laboratory 管理ment systems.
Data Collector Recruitment, Hiring, and Training
趣赢平台与数千名经验丰富的面试官建立了值得信赖的关系,这使我们能够通过专业技能快速招聘和雇用,以满足任何美国企业的数据收集需求.S. 位置. 我们根据面试的一般原则和特定研究的具体要求开发并提供定制培训, 使用远程学习, 面对面, 或者两者兼而有之.
Our 跟踪 experts locate and verify contact information for study respondents, 符合研究方案. 他们与项目的机构审查委员会代表(IRB)[插入链接]和研究经理密切合作,以维护所有研究信息的安全性和保密性.
特定于项目的帮助台通过集中呼叫管理系统为所有数据收集模式提供支持. 服务台协调员是信息技术基础设施图书馆(ITIL)认证的员工,他们在项目计划的各个阶段与项目密切合作, 设置, 和执行. All project contact details are tracked, and detailed reporting is provided.
趣赢平台’s 翻译 team helps develop materials—survey instruments, advanced letters and other outreach materials, 研究协议, and informed consents—in any language needed, and provides subtitling and voice-over services for video and multimedia production. When bilingual data collectors are needed, we coordinate and conduct language proficiency assessments in any main language.
趣赢平台 takes equitable access very seriously, 我们理解在项目生命周期的所有阶段都应该考虑和计划可访问性. Our dedicated team of 可访问性 experts, 许多经过国土安全部认证的受信任测试人员, stay current with the latest standards and technologies for designing, 发展中, 测试数码产品. 该团队支持创建符合《趣赢平台》第508条和万维网联盟(W3C)网络内容可访问性指南(WCAG 2)优先级A和AA级的数字产品.1).
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